Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Year resolutions or not

I remember making a resolution this time last year.  It was not to have any resolutions. Now looking back I can see this was the only time in my life I had no goals for the whole year. I am sitting here on the last day of the year and I don't have anything to look back on...and I don't like it.

I love lists; I go to shop with a shopping list, I make a list of things to do around the house, and if I have my way even my cat will have a list.  I now know I love new year resolutions.  They give my life a purpose.  I like looking back on New Year's eve to tick the boxes and feel like I achieved almost everything I set out from the 1st day.

So I will make my resolutions and will add to it with glee on the first week of 2015 as I have done in previous years.  The only difference will be I won't feel guilty about the length of my list.  I will enjoy making and adding to my list.  I will have one for this blog, to keep writing at least once a week and to take photos add to my blog.

2014 - a good bye


So here I am on the the last day of 2014 - will I be sad to say good bye?.......  I don't think so

There was the bucket challenge, there was the new job, there was the end of a contract and for the first time in my life the threat of redundancy.  As I am sitting here no one had come forward to take on the company that went to administration on Christmas eve.

When I started my job with City Link in February 2014, it was only for a short time, or I thought. Now looking back I can see I took it for granted, the job was paying my bills and I got too lazy to find another.  I would have never met the people I work with anywhere.  That must be  my redemption.  I got to know their problems and my own seemed small in comparison.

I had seen many new faces coming in for training and many old ones leaving.  Some I was glad were leaving some I was worried about and some I knew would find their feet sooner rather than later.

Today as I drove to work to see them for the very last time, I had mixed feeling will I cry? will I be angry? will I pose for pictures? By the time I got there only a handful left and they had cried all their tears and their eyes were red but dry.  A child came in to with her dad to say good bye to us and found the empty seats too scary and was not sure if she wanted to stay.  I couldn't blame her, I was feeling the same.

I have their email addresses, will we keep in touch?  I should hope so. sincere wishes for all of us for the new year is for some good news on the job front.